In a post apocalyptic world humans and animals are losing the fight for survival against monstrous, blind, carnivorous alien creatures who hunt by sound.
We follow the intrepid Abbott family who have survived through sheer ingenuity, sticking together and by being very, very quiet.
When tragedy strikes, the family are heartbroken, and although they continue to follow their closely maintained rules, some of the trust and closeness is gone. As they prepare for a new arrival in the family, they will come face to face with their hunters and must rely on each other in order to survive.
It's not often that a film with practically no spoken dialogue can be so engrossing, but "A Quiet Place" manages to achieve it. From the introductory scene, right through to the end the story is mostly portrayed through sign language, emphatic gesturing, looks and well placed tension. The characters are well rounded with flaws and strengths all portrayed believably by the cast.
The creature design is swift moving, but the scariest parts of this film don't always involve the baddies. The themes of solitude, beauty, dread and melancholy bring a depth to this film that isn't always easily created. A world where you cannot let your guard down.
A truly gorgeous, well made and intense horror film that may make you re-evaluate what scares you.
[Image: Paramount Pictures]
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