Saturday 15 September 2012


"Botched" (2006, Opix 13 Ltd., Barraboy Films Ltd., Kit Ryan) is an Irish gorefest comedy with some fairly out of this world plot lines, and an enjoyable crazy factor that verges on the slapstick.

Ritchie Donovan (Stephen Dorff) is a thief. He's a good thief. His only major flaw? He has recently had some terrible luck! After losing his swag in an otherwise fairly successful heist, he is given one further chance to appease the ringleader, who coincidentally helped Donovan's mother leave Russia and become an American citizen. He must go to Moscow and with the help of two Russian brothers, steal a priceless crucifix from the Penthouse of a highly protected building. Easy.

Donovan, Peter (Jamie Foreman) and Yuri (Russell Smith) get the swag with little trouble, it isn't until their lift (elevator) is swamped with civilians and they end up on an unknown floor with no lift call buttons on it that they realise things have gone awry!

Trapped on the floor with the people they have now come to take as hostages, they receive a radio call from what they presume to be the police... Silly them.

A really surprising plot with a lot of blood spraying, head bludgeoning, decapitating fun! The action turns from tense to horror to plain old comedy very quickly, and has quite a cartoony feeling to it.

Jaime Murray from "Hustle" is excellent as the female lead and Dorff is a great straight man, who seems genuinely surprise by the whole thing, and it's almost as if he really has stumbled into another film without realising it. But it's the other characters who really make this film, as strange and insanely written as they are, they are entertaining.

A definite must see for any gore hound, it's a laugh out loud comedy which will have your jaws dropping surprise as the sheer ludicrousness of the twists!

(Picture: Opix 13 Ltd., Barraboy Films Ltd., Zinc Entertainment, Arclight Films, Appollomedia & Arcade)


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